The Telephone Preference Service (TPS)

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) register currently contains 16,749,567 numbers.

Below you will see details of the size of the TPS register at the end of each month together with the number of monthly additions and removals.

Whilst the Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) requires businesses to re-register their number every year (which is why you can often see large quantities of numbers coming off the register), the TPS register does not require consumers to re-register at any point and so removals from the TPS tend to be few in numbers.

Total numbers on the TPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the TPS register per month in the last year.

• Numbers Added | • Numbers Removed

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the TPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
19/06/2018 710 3 20,279,181 707
18/06/2018 2,907 2 20,278,474 2,905
15/06/2018 1,830 0 20,275,569 1,830
14/06/2018 1,880 1 20,273,739 1,879
13/06/2018 1,860 4 20,271,860 1,856
12/06/2018 962 0 20,270,004 962
11/06/2018 3,067 3 20,269,042 3,064
08/06/2018 1,884 1 20,265,978 1,883
07/06/2018 1,915 1 20,264,095 1,914
06/06/2018 1,783 1 20,262,181 1,782
05/06/2018 277 4 20,260,399 273
04/06/2018 4,326 0 20,260,126 4,326
01/06/2018 3,900 2 20,255,800 3,898
31/05/2018 1,810 2 20,251,902 1,808
30/05/2018 745 1 20,250,094 744
29/05/2018 645 0 20,249,350 645
28/05/2018 4,590 112,255 20,248,705 107,665
25/05/2018 3,199 2 20,356,370 3,197
24/05/2018 1,592 28,987 20,353,173 27,395
23/05/2018 1,678 77,292 20,380,568 75,614
22/05/2018 343 1 20,456,182 342
21/05/2018 3,511 125,810 20,455,840 122,299
18/05/2018 1,884 29,109 20,578,139 27,225
17/05/2018 1,631 29,073 20,605,364 27,442
16/05/2018 919 29,193 20,632,806 28,274
15/05/2018 238 29,794 20,661,080 29,556
14/05/2018 5,551 89,323 20,690,636 83,772
11/05/2018 0 0 20,774,408 0
10/05/2018 1,520 14,963 20,774,408 13,443
09/05/2018 601 15,026 20,787,851 14,425